The number of working-from-home freelancers is constantly increasing, and with the automatisation and tech development, most of all our communication with others comes from digital channels, without any personal contact. Thinking about this situation, and keeping in mind the trends in communication, I decided to point out why I think it’s important for somebody to work with (for other people) even for a short time period.
For “working for other people” I mean working full time for a boss, not a client. Here’s what you learn when you work with (for) others:
- Respect other people’s opinion
Even if you think that this is something that all people know, I want to remind you that, in most cases, people in same work environment may not come from the same life background, and definitely you learn how to be tolerant and respectful to people different than yourself.
- Sort out your priorities
When you work alone, you do first what is most important to you (your client). But everything may seem important and every client is crucial. So, how to know what should come first? When you work with others, they give you tasks, they ask for your help, and with time, you learn how to balance between different tasks. Know your priorities and know your goals.
- “Look before you leap”
There’s more things “in the game” when you’re not working alone, and when others depend on you.
- Argument your decisions and choices
This one you will learn for sure, if you work for somebody. Your boss will want to know what exactly he gains with doing something that you suggest. When you’re your own boss, you don’t need to explain because you believe in your own expertize.
- Be critical
Sometimes you need to carefully say to your boss or coworker some “unpleasant” facts about their “genius plan” and maybe save them from failure.
“Now listen to me very carefully, I shall say this only once”
- Know when to say no.
And be gentle saying it.
This was just my personal opinion, from my experience, why I think it’s good to work for others and with others, before stepping into adventure of working for yourself.
What do you think and what do you like better: to have a boss, to be a boss to others or to work alone? Tell me.
Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together.
Paul Ryan